Thursday, September 13, 2007

Little Miss Piggy

I sifted through a collection of home videos the other day. We have a lot, because we lived overseas my first two years and my parents would make tapes to send Grammy and the relatives. Every Easter, my parents would hide all kinds of candies around the apartment- Cadbury eggs, malt balls, chocolate squares- and Sister and I would take our wicker baskets and search. Sister, being older, could easily see the hidden sweets, but instead of snatching them and adding them to her basket, she would call over to me and tell me to help her look around the area she stood. I would come over eagerly and hoard all of the candy she caused me to find. I never caught on. Nor did she ever tire of me. She would become really excited and continued to lead me this way until I had found most of the candy. Before the scene cuts on the film, Sister begins to unwrap a chocolate from her pile. I walk to her, release a whine, and steal the candy from her hands. My parents reprimand me. Sister leans in toward my face and kisses my forehead as I walk away, chewing.

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